Tag Archives: creative

lucy chadwick.


first caught wind of curator lucy chadwick about 4 years ago. still crushin’.


…and feeling small.

sure, i have my creative spurts, and i’ve been told i have pretty good ideas once in a while, but when i find things like these, i think to myself, “who am i?!” – just a bump on a log in life compared to these brilliant minds.

*all images linked to original source.

zodiac baby necklace, "aquarius" - by Anomaly Jewelery

zodiac baby necklace, "Aquarius" - by anomaly jewelery

"teddy bear natural history" - by stephanie metz

"teddy bear natural history" - by stephanie metz

work by unknown artist - lifted from Litter

unknown artist - photo source: litter

work by unknown artist - courtesty of litter.

unknown artist - photo source: litter.

magazine jam.

flip, flip…twang!

geena drove down from college station to get her laptop fixed, and bryan was in town from new orleans for westheimer block party, which went down this past weekend. they decided to pop in for some spontaneous guitar-playin’, magazine-perusin’. i haven’t had down time with these creative friends for a while, and it was very welcomed.

geena in a magazine; bryan on guitar.

geena in a magazine; bryan on guitar.